القائمة الرئيسية


اصنع كاشف معادن بطرق بسيطة وجديدة Make a metal detector in simple and new ways

اصنع كاشف معادن بطرق بسيطة وجديدة

 Make a metal detector in simple and new ways


الحمد لله نجحنا في إنتاج العديد من أجهزة الكشف عن المعادن ومنها أجهزتنا التي نقدمها في هذا الموضوع.

تعتمد جميع الأجهزة على استخدام رئيسي لمؤقت ic 555 وتنوع الأجهزة ، حتى لو كانت هذه الأجهزة بسيطة ، لكنها تشكل نواة مهمة لبناء أجهزة الكشف عن المعادن المتقدمة ، و

إنه تمرين فعلي لبناء الأجهزة الإلكترونية ويمكن تطويره ويمكن أن يكون أجهزة فريدة.

Praise be to God, we have succeeded in producing many metal detectors, including our devices that we present in this topic.

All devices are based on a major use of the ic 555 timer and the diversity of devices, even if these devices are simple, but they constitute an important nucleus for building advanced metal detectors, and 

it is an actual exercise for building electronic devices and can be developed and can be unique devices.

:First device

As you can see in the above picture, the circuit consists of a transmitter known to you and we used it a lot in our blog. It consists of two transistors that transmit a frequency of the same value, and the other part is an audio booster circuit that we used with the Russian hacker device, and here is the role of the second part only to amplify the sound and the difference between the two files Connected to the two transistors.

A large depth metal detector that distinguishes easy and simple

:Second device

The second device is the same as the first device, but the difference is that we used the 555 timer instead of one of the two transistors, and we dispensed with one of the coils, and we only connected the coil to the first transistor, as the second transistor with its coil was replaced by the timer, and here we recall that the settings for the files are as they appear in the following picture:

Files: With experience, it was found that the following files achieve the best range for the device

The first coil: a diameter of 15 cm, with a number of turns of 11 turns. Note that the wire used is 0.5 mm, but it is possible to try other coils and it will work, God willing, but the range will be different and we are here talking about personal experience for the best depth of coils.
The second coil: a circular file with a diameter of 30 cm, and the number of its coils here is 7 coils
The third coil: a semi-rectangular coil, 30 cm wide and 60 cm long, and the number of its coils is 5 turns, and the tested wire is 0.5 mm

The fourth coil: a square coil with a diameter of 60 cm. We can try several types of wires to get the best result.
Depth of the device:

The depth is according to the file used. It is known that the larger the file size, the greater the depth and depth of the files as follows:

The file is 15 cm deep, about 15 cm for the coin

The file diameter is 30 cm, circular, its depth is approximately 25 cm. On the coin, the large metal is approximately 75 cm, according to the mastery of the circle and file

The file is 30*60, its approx depth is a meter and a quarter

The file is 60 square meters, its approximate depth is one and a half meters, within the condition of mastering the circuit and coil

:Third device

The third device is indeed a special device that we can control very beautifully and it is powerful at the same time and it consists of a transmitter circuit consisting of a transistor with a coil and a 555 timer that sends the same frequency, and in the next stage the amplification is done through a transistor connected with a timer to strengthen the sound..

When the coil passes over metal, a difference in frequency occurs as a result of this passage, and therefore the frequency of the first coil located near the ground differs from the second coil located in a box in the device, or the two coils are close to the ground and by passing over the metal, a difference in frequency occurs between the coil passing over the metal and the other coil as a result This difference makes a sound and is the sum of the frequency difference between the two coils.

:Fourth device

It is a training device and does not carry a great depth as in the previous devices, however, I preferred to mention it here,

It consists of the following pieces:

1 - ic555 timer number 2

2 - Capacitor 100 nano No. 104 No. 1

3 - Capacitor 10 nano No. 103 No. 1

4 - Capacitor 100 micron number 1

5 - capacitor 10 micro number 1

6 - resistance of 1 kilo ohm number 1

7 - Resistance from 500 ohms to one kilo number 1

8 - Variable resistance 100 kOhm 1

9 - coils of any kind of wire

The transmitter: The timer emits an audio frequency that we control through the variable resistance to the equipped coil connected to the capacitor and by passively to the same timer, so we have an audio frequency that we control when balancing the coils.

The receiver also consists of a timer in the simplest form that connects to a file, and the coil is connected to leg No. 6 of the timer and to the negative on the other side, and leg No. 3 of the same receiver timer is connected to a 100 micro capacitor and the capacitor is connected to the speaker, while the other side of the speaker is connected to the negative of the circuit.

:Fifth device

Circuit components:
ic 555
Resistance 10 kOhm Number (1)
Resistance 420 Ohm Number (1)
Capacitor 104 pcs (2)
In this case, the AESI emits a frequency close to 100 kilohertz, which is an ultrasonic frequency, and therefore a coil can be installed on the 3rd leg of the AESI and the circuit negative, and also the 3rd leg of the AESI and the circuit negative can be installed on the radio antenna and tuning on the AM wave until the circuit beep is heard and thus When a metal approaches the coil, the frequency will be affected and the sound will be heard on the radio, God willing.
Department work details:
The leg number seven of the timer 555 is connected to a resistance of 1 kilo ohm and the connection to the other side of the resistance with the positive circuit, the leg number six of the timer is connected to a resistance of 425 ohm and the other side of the resistance is connected to the leg of the timer number seven, and the same man (man number six) is connected With a ten nano capacitor with a number 103, the capacitor is connected from the other side in the negative of the circuit, and as it is known, the man number two is connected with the man number six as well, and the man number four is connected with the positive circuit and the man number one is connected with the negative of the circuit, and the man number five is connected With capacitor No. 104 and its value is ten nano, in this way a frequency of about 77 kilohertz is produced in leg No. 3 of the timer and can be detected by radio.
A coil is connected between the negative of the circuit and the 3rd leg of the timer to sense the metal
How is the circuit connected to the radio:
A wire is taken out instead of the radio antenna, meaning separating the copper or aluminum antenna with the radio from the wire connected to it and connecting instead of the antenna a normal wire about half a mm in diameter, then we connect another wire to the radio negative, and the battery negative can be used for this purpose and the battery negative is connected to a wire.
Now there are two wires coming out of the radio, one instead of the antenna and the other connected to the battery negative.
The two wires are connected as follows:
The antenna wire is connected to the pin No. 3 of the timer connected to the coil and the wire connected to the battery negative is connected to the negative of the circuit connected to the coil
The radio is turned on

Sixth device:

the components:

Aisi 555 (2), a (1) npn transistor, (2) coils, a 104 capacitor (2), a 103 capacitor (2), a headset, in addition to a (2) battery with a value of 5 volts for each one.

Device working:

The work of the device is to send a signal at an ultrasonic frequency through AISI 555 No. (1) and at the same time, AISI 555 No. (2) sends the same signal at the same time and at the same frequency, the signal of each of them meets by unifying and collecting the leg No. (3) of AISI No. ( 1) and number (2), then the signal is sent to the transistor, which is a transistor to mix the two frequencies together and then the unified signal is output to the speaker, and because the frequency is ultrasonic, no sound will come out, but when a metal passes close to one of the two coils, a difference occurs in the frequency and therefore the amount of difference is what appears in the headset.

Machine working detail:

 Leg No. 7 of the timer 555 is connected to a resistance of 1 kilo ohm and connecting to the other side of the resistance with the positive of the circuit, leg No. 6 of the timer is connected to a resistance of 425 ohm and the other side of the resistance is connected to leg No. 7 of the timer, and this same man (man No. 6) is connected to a capacitor Its value is 10 nano with the number 103 and it connects the capacitor from the other side in the negative of the circuit, and as it is known, the man No. 2 is connected with the man No. 6 as well. The man No. 4 is connected with the positive circuit and the man No. one is connected with the negative of the circuit, and the man No. 5 is connected to the capacitor No. 104, in this way, a frequency of approximately 77 kilohertz is produced in leg No. 3 of the timer.

Now for the second timer, its legs are connected exactly as we connected the first timer, and two coils are installed, the first for timer No. 1, and the file is connected here to leg No. 3 and the negative circuit and timer No. 2 in the same way, and the circuit is fed with 5 volts, then one end of the first or second coil is connected The positive with the terminal of the transistor, which represents the base, and the terminal of the second transistor, which is the meter with the negative, and another 5 volt battery is connected to the transistor meter connected to the coil. A sound that you can balance by controlling the coils themselves, and when the two prepares approach, the frequency changes.

device depth:

The depth here depends on the possibility of making a tight coil and adjusting it so that it brings us a signal close to 100 kilohertz, which is the ideal signal to penetrate the ground and obtain the largest possible depth.

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